Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is "Successful Call"?

Successful Calls refer to the number of API calls in Compass that were executed successfully, resulting in a response without any errors. This shows that the API request was properly processed and responded to as expected.

 2. What is "Blocked Call"?

Blocked Calls in Compass are those API calls that were not processed due to predefined conditions such as failed API key validations or reaching rate limits. These calls are blocked by Compass's gateway and do not reach the actual API backend. Avoid blocked calls by ensuring valid authentication credentials and adhering to rate limits.

 3. What is "Failed Call"?

Failed Calls in Compass API are calls that were accepted for processing but encountered execution errors. These often result in server errors (like 5XX HTTP status codes), indicating issues with the API or its backend service. Regularly monitor and debug your API to identify and resolve backend issues causing these failures.

 4. What is "Other Call"?

Other Calls in the Compass API context include calls that do not fit into successful, blocked, or failed categories. These might be calls resulting in client-side errors (4XX HTTP status codes) or those that were redirected. Check for client-side issues like incorrect request formats or unauthorized access attempts.

 5. What is "Total Call"?

Total Calls in Compass represents the aggregate number of all API calls made, encompassing successful, blocked, failed, and other calls. It gives a complete picture of the API's usage over a certain period. Use this metric for an overall understanding of API usage and to identify trends or spikes in API traffic.

 6. What is "Response Time"?

Response Time in Compass API measures how long it takes for the API to process a request and return a response. It is crucial for evaluating the API's performance, with shorter response times generally indicating better efficiency. Optimize API performance by streamlining backend processes and using efficient coding practices.

 7. What is "Bandwidth"?

Bandwidth for Compass API refers to the volume of data transferred during API interactions over a network, typically measured in data volume per time unit. It's important for assessing the data handling and transfer capabilities of the API. Monitor bandwidth to manage API data transfer efficiency and to plan for scaling if necessary.

8. How can I use LangChain SDK with Compass API?

LangChain is an open-source framework that simplifies the creation of applications using large language models (LLMs). This framework provides a standard interface for chains, integrations with other tools, and end-to-end chains for common applications.
Compass APIs support LangChain SDK integrations.
To get started, refer to the LangChain quickstart guide.
For a list of available endpoints, see the LangChain API Reference docs.
An example of LangChain integration using Python is provided here.

9.What is Semantic Kernel?

Semantic Kernel is an open-source SDK that lets you easily build agents that can call your existing code. As a highly extensible SDK, you can use Semantic Kernel with models from Compass. By combining your existing C#, Python, and Java code with these models, you can build agents that answer questions and automate processes.
For more details, please visit here.

10.Where can I see API call data for my Pay you go models?

This can be viewed in the operations table in the reporting section.